Author name: OCGL Developer

Ghost Tour 2024: Discover Haunting Locations and Schedule

Ghost Tour 2024: Discover Haunting Locations and Schedule

Key Takeaways Discover Ghost Tour 2024 Tour Dates Locations Overview Special Events Schedule Insights Spooky Stories and Insights Haunting Tales Ghostly Encounters Behind the Scenes Historical Background Locations History Legends Explored Engaging Posts You May Like Top Stories Participant Experiences Expert Insights Interactive Discussion Thread Share Your Experience Ask Questions Tips and Tricks Privacy and Consent Privacy Basics Managing Consent Cookie Usage Closing Thoughts Frequently Asked Questions Is Ghost Tour 2024 suitable for children? How long does the Ghost Tour 2024 last? Are there any physical requirements for participating in Ghost Tour 2024? Can I take photos during Ghost Tour 2024? How can I book tickets for Ghost Tour 2024? Did you know that over 45% of people believe in ghosts? Get ready to explore the chilling world of the supernatural on the Ghost Tour 2024. Join us as we delve into eerie tales, haunted locations, and spine-tingling encounters that will leave you breathless. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, this tour promises an unforgettable journey through the paranormal. Discover the mysteries lurking in the shadows and uncover the secrets of the afterlife. Are you prepared to confront your deepest fears and witness the unexplainable? Buckle up for a hair-raising adventure that will test your courage and curiosity like never before. Key Takeaways Explore the world of Ghost Tour 2024 for a thrilling and unique experience. Delve into spooky stories and gain valuable insights into the supernatural realm. Understand the historical background behind the locations featured in Ghost Tour 2024. Engage with related posts that offer additional interesting content about ghosts and haunted places. Participate in interactive discussions to share your own ghostly encounters and connect with like-minded individuals. Respect privacy and always prioritize consent when sharing or discussing personal ghostly experiences. Discover Ghost Tour 2024 Tour Dates The band’s studio schedule will heavily influence Ghost Tour 2024 dates, ensuring optimal performance readiness. Considering the band’s history, a winter tour in Europe is highly probable for Ghost Tour 2024. The new album release may dictate the timing of Ghost Tour 2024, aligning with promotional strategies. Locations Overview Past tour patterns provide insights into potential locations for Ghost Tour 2024, ensuring fan accessibility and venue suitability. Unique venues like historic theaters or outdoor amphitheaters could feature in Ghost Tour 2024, enhancing the concert experience. Certain locations hold sentimental value, reflecting the band’s journey and connecting fans to their music legacy. Special Events Ghost Tour 2024 might include special events to surprise and delight fans, enhancing the overall concert experience. Exclusive fan experiences, such as meet-and-greets or backstage tours, could be part of Ghost Tour 2024, creating memorable moments for attendees. Themed events or collaborations with other artists might add a creative touch to Ghost Tour 2024, offering a unique concert atmosphere. Schedule Insights The album release timeline will shape the expected schedule for Ghost Tour 2024, ensuring synergy between music promotion and live performances. Studio time allocation will directly impact the tour schedule for Ghost Tour 2024, balancing recording commitments with concert preparations. Starting Ghost Tour 2024 in early 2025 could be feasible, allowing adequate time for planning and coordination. Spooky Stories and Insights Haunting Tales Ghost Tour 2024 promises to deliver a spine-chilling experience with haunting tales from previous tours. Participants have recounted encounters with spirits, mysterious shadows, and unexplained noises. These stories add an element of thrill and excitement to the upcoming event. During past tours in October, attendees have been captivated by the fall ambiance that sets the perfect backdrop for ghostly encounters. Folklore and myths surrounding the locations visited during these tours have added depth to the supernatural experiences. The blend of history and mystery creates a truly immersive journey into the unknown. Exploring the eerie encounters fans have reported during Ghost Tour events reveals a tapestry of spooky narratives. From ghostly apparitions to inexplicable cold spots, participants have shared their hair-raising experiences. These encounters contribute to the mystique and allure of Ghost Tour 2024, promising an unforgettable adventure for all brave souls. Ghostly Encounters Diving into personal accounts of ghostly encounters during previous tours uncovers a world of paranormal activity. Attendees have described seeing apparitions, hearing whispers from unseen entities, and feeling sudden drops in temperature. These firsthand experiences blur the lines between reality and the supernatural. Fans attending Ghost Tour events have shared spooky experiences that linger long after the tours end. From ghostly figures appearing in photographs to objects moving on their own, each encounter adds a layer of intrigue to the overall experience. The sense of the unknown and the unexpected keeps participants on edge throughout the tour. Discussing the paranormal phenomena associated with specific tour locations sheds light on the mysterious forces at play. From historical sites with tragic pasts to abandoned buildings with dark histories, each location holds secrets waiting to be uncovered. Understanding these phenomena adds depth to the ghostly encounters awaiting participants in Ghost Tour 2024. Behind the Scenes Insights into the behind-the-scenes preparations for Ghost Tour 2024 reveal the meticulous planning and attention to detail involved in creating a memorable experience. From selecting haunted locations to designing immersive storytelling elements, every aspect is carefully crafted to evoke a sense of fear and wonder. Exploring the production aspects and technical details of organizing a ghost tour showcases the expertise required to execute such an event successfully. Lighting effects, soundscapes, and special effects play a crucial role in enhancing the atmosphere and heightening suspense. These technical elements work together seamlessly to create an unforgettable journey into the supernatural realm. The team and crew members involved in making Ghost Tour events successful bring a wealth of experience and passion for the paranormal. Their dedication to crafting authentic experiences ensures that participants are fully immersed in the haunting world of Ghost Tour 2024. Historical Background Locations History Key locations for Ghost Tour 2024 hold rich historical backgrounds intertwined with eerie tales. These sites, such as the abandoned asylum and the old cemetery, date back to the early 1900s. The asylum,

A Guide to Spiritual Protection: Crystal Exploration

A Guide to Spiritual Protection: Crystal Exploration

Key Takeaways Spiritual Protection Explained Basics of Protection Importance of Aura Why It Matters Effective Protection Strategies Use Visualization Protective Objects Cleanse Energy Healthy Auric Field Utilizing Crystals for Protection Black Tourmaline Clear Quartz Smoky Quartz Pyrite Elements in Spiritual Hygiene Water Element Fire Element Air Element Earth Element Building a Protection Routine Daily Practices Spiritual Hygiene Final Remarks Frequently Asked Questions What is spiritual protection and why is it important? How can I effectively protect myself spiritually? Are crystals effective for spiritual protection? What role do elements play in spiritual hygiene? How can I establish a consistent protection routine? Exploring the realm of spiritual protection unveils a rich tapestry of practices rooted in ancient traditions. This guide delves into techniques and rituals that have safeguarded individuals for centuries, offering insights that resonate across cultures and beliefs from ancient times. From talismans to energy cleansing with sage and holy water, this comprehensive resource equips you with the knowledge to fortify your spiritual well-being. Discover how to create sacred spaces, harness the power of crystals, cleanse your energy field, and establish boundaries to shield yourself from negative influences. Dive into this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the intricate landscape of spiritual protection together. Key Takeaways Understand the importance of spiritual protection to safeguard your energy and well-being. Implement effective protection strategies like visualization, setting boundaries, and energy clearing techniques. Utilize crystals such as black tourmaline, amethyst, and selenite to enhance your spiritual protection against negative energy. Prioritize elements in spiritual hygiene like grounding, shielding, and aura cleansing for comprehensive protection of the energy field. Establish a consistent protection routine that includes daily practices such as meditation, smudging, or prayer to protect your spirit, body, energy field, and layer. By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can create a strong shield against negative energies and promote spiritual well-being. Spiritual Protection Explained Basics of Protection Understanding spiritual protection begins with recognizing your sensitivity to energy fields. By acknowledging this, you can take steps to safeguard yourself from negative influences. Enhancing spiritual resilience involves practices like meditation and grounding techniques. To grasp the concept of spiritual protection, one must delve into the realm of energy dynamics. This involves setting boundaries, cleansing rituals, and invoking protective symbols or prayers. Importance of Aura The aura serves as a vital shield against external energies. It acts as a protective barrier for our spiritual and emotional well-being. The seven layers of the aura correspond to different aspects of our being, each playing a crucial role in our overall vitality. Exploring the connection between the aura and chakras reveals how these energy centers interact to maintain balance. Understanding this relationship is key to achieving optimal energetic health. Why It Matters Mood directly impacts the vibrancy and strength of our aura. Positive emotions enhance its radiance, while negative feelings can dim its luminosity. Maintaining a harmonious emotional state is essential for a healthy aura. Stress levels can significantly disrupt the balance of our aura, leaving us vulnerable to energetic disturbances. Learning to manage stress through relaxation techniques and self-care practices is paramount for preserving spiritual protection. Effective Protection Strategies Use Visualization Harness the power of visualization to strengthen your spiritual protection. Picture a shield of light surrounding you, acting as a barrier against negativity. By visualizing this shield regularly, you reinforce your protective energy and create a safe space for yourself. Visualize a protective bubble around you, envisioning it as impenetrable to any harmful influences. This practice not only enhances your sense of security but also boosts your overall well-being by maintaining a positive energy field. Protective Objects Consider the advantages of utilizing talismans for spiritual protection. These objects are believed to carry specific energies that can shield you from negative forces. By carrying or wearing talismans, you amplify your personal energy field and enhance your spiritual defenses. Understand how charms can fortify your aura and provide additional layers of protection. Charms are infused with symbolic meanings that resonate with your intentions, creating a shield against malevolent energies. Incorporating charms into your daily life can serve as a constant reminder of your spiritual safeguard. Learn how protective objects such as crystals or sacred symbols can play a crucial role in boosting your spiritual protection. These items act as conduits for positive energy, warding off negativity and promoting harmony within your surroundings. Cleanse Energy Discover the benefits of burning sage to purify your living spaces and cleanse negative energies. Sage has been used for centuries in various cultures for its cleansing properties, effectively removing stagnant or harmful energies from your environment. Explore the cleansing properties of palo santo, another powerful tool for energy purification. Burning palo santo releases fragrant smoke that clears away negative vibrations, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to spiritual well-being. Learn how regular energy cleansing rituals can help maintain your spiritual protection levels. By clearing out any residual negativity or unwanted energies, you create a harmonious environment that supports your overall spiritual growth and vitality. Healthy Auric Field Understand the significance of maintaining a high-frequency aura for optimal spiritual protection. A vibrant and positively vibrating aura acts as a natural defense mechanism against external disturbances and negative influences. Explore different ways to keep your aura in a positive state by engaging in activities that uplift your spirits and promote inner balance. Spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating positive thoughts are all effective methods to support a healthy auric field. Learn how the combination of connecting with nature’s healing energies and fostering positive mental attitudes contributes to sustaining a healthy auric field. By nurturing these aspects of yourself, you create a strong foundation for enduring spiritual protection and overall well-being. Utilizing Crystals for Protection Black Tourmaline Black Tourmaline deflects negative energy effectively, acting as a shield against harmful influences. Its protective properties create a barrier of positivity around the wearer. This crystal is renowned for absorbing negative energy, preventing it from affecting one’s well-being. Clear Quartz Clear Quartz plays a crucial

Dowsing Rods: Finding Water or Ghosts? The Truth Uncovered

Dowsing Rods: Finding Water or Ghosts? The Truth Uncovered

Key Takeaways Dowsing Roots Early Divination Religious Links Historical Evolution How Dowsing Works Ideomotor Effect Theory vs. Practice Water Finding Methods Traditional Techniques Modern Adaptations Ghost Detection Claims Paranormal Dowsing Skeptic Views Scientific Scrutiny Efficacy Studies Pseudoscience Label Notable Dowsers Historical Figures Modern Practitioners Dowsing Today Current Practices Technology Integration Debates and Controversies Believers vs. Skeptics Scientific Community Final Remarks Frequently Asked Questions What is the history behind dowsing rods? How does dowsing work to find water or ghosts? Is dowsing scientifically proven? Who are notable dowsers in history? What are some current debates and controversies surrounding dowsing? Dowsing rods: instruments with a mysterious allure that can be used for finding water or even communicating with spirits. Are they simply practical instruments for locating underground resources, or do they possess an uncanny ability to connect with the supernatural phenomenon? The debate rages on between those who view dowsing as a scientific method and others who believe in its paranormal potential. Whether you seek answers hidden beneath the earth’s surface or wish to delve into the realm of the unknown, dowsing rods offer a unique blend of utility and mystique. Join us as we explore the dual nature of these intriguing tools and uncover their enigmatic capabilities. Key Takeaways Dowsing rods can be traced back through history and have been used for various purposes over the centuries, from locating water sources to detecting paranormal activity. **Understanding the principles behind dowsing, such as the belief that the rods react to unseen energy sources, sheds light on how practitioners believe they can find what they seek. **Different techniques are employed when dowsing for water, including map dowsing and field dowsing, each with its unique approach to locating underground water reservoirs. **Claims of using dowsing rods to detect ghosts or spirits raise questions about the validity of such assertions and the ability of dowsing tools to interact with supernatural entities. **Despite anecdotal evidence supporting dowsing abilities, scientific studies have often debunked these claims, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and empirical evidence. **Notable figures in dowsing history, like Thomas Edison and General Patton, add credibility to the practice’s legacy but also invite scrutiny into the scientific basis of their dowsing experiences. Dowsing Roots Early Divination Dowsing rods have a rich history dating back thousands of years. They were initially used for divination purposes, helping people locate water sources or even ghosts. The early practices involved using Y-shaped forks or wooden rods to detect underground water reserves. Religious Links The use of dowsing rods was closely intertwined with religious beliefs and practices. Many cultures associated dowsing with spiritual rituals, seeing it as a way to connect with higher powers. It became a common tool in religious ceremonies, symbolizing a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Historical Evolution The evolution of dowsing can be traced from ancient civilizations like the Greeks to its prevalence in modern times. Over the centuries, there has been a shift in the application of dowsing rods, moving from primarily locating water sources to detecting metals and other materials underground. This transition showcases how dowsing has adapted to changing needs and technological advancements. How Dowsing Works Ideomotor Effect Dowsing rods respond to the ideomotor effect, where subtle movements are unconsciously produced by individuals. These movements, often unnoticed by the dowser, guide the rods’ reactions. The phenomenon is rooted in the mind’s ability to influence physical actions without conscious awareness. This explains why dowsing rods seem to move independently in search of water or other targets. The ideomotor effect plays a significant role in dowsing outcomes. As individuals hold dowsing rods, their subconscious desires or expectations can trigger involuntary muscle responses. These minute motions translate into the apparent movement of the rods, leading the dowser to potential water sources or purported paranormal entities. Understanding this psychological mechanism sheds light on the perceived accuracy of dowsing practices. Theory vs. Practice While dowsing is steeped in theories about energy fields and unseen forces, its practical application often yields mixed results. The discrepancies between theoretical frameworks and real-world dowsing experiences raise questions about its reliability. Despite claims of success, many scientific studies have failed to validate dowsing as a consistently accurate method for locating water or detecting spirits. Dowsers encounter challenges bridging the gap between dowsing concepts and actual performance. The discrepancy between what theory dictates and what occurs during dowsing sessions underscores the complexity of this practice. Although some practitioners swear by its efficacy, skeptics point to inconsistencies and chance factors influencing dowsing outcomes. This divide between belief in dowsing principles and tangible results continues to spark debates within scientific and paranormal communities. Water Finding Methods Traditional Techniques Traditional water finding methods have long relied on illustrated techniques involving Y-shaped branches. These branches are held with one hand and used to locate underground water sources. The process is often associated with ancient practices and cultural beliefs. The use of L-shaped instruments in traditional dowsing is another common method for finding water sources. This technique involves holding the instrument in a specific manner to detect the presence of water beneath the surface. It is a practice that has been passed down through generations in various cultures worldwide. The simplicity of traditional dowsing techniques lies in their intuitive nature and minimalistic approach. By harnessing the power of nature and human intuition, practitioners of traditional dowsing rely on these basic tools to locate water sources effectively. Despite advancements in technology, many still prefer these age-old methods for their perceived accuracy. Modern Adaptations Advancements in dowsing technology have led to the development of more sophisticated tools for locating water sources. Modern adaptations include the integration of electronic components and sensors into dowsing rods, enhancing their precision and efficiency. These technological innovations have revolutionized the field of water divination. The integration of modern materials such as carbon fiber and lightweight metals has made dowsing rods more durable and portable than ever before. These materials not only improve the longevity of the tools but also contribute to their ease


Dowsing Rods: Finding Water or Ghosts?

You are taking part in a paranormal investigation and your group is made of your usual people. You have the skeptic who believes that everything has a natural or logical answer. Being a full-blown believer that every little sound is some form of supernatural communication. You may be a open-minded skeptic who wants to believe, or is still indecisive and in it for the fun. Whichever one of these that you identify with, you are excited about the investigation.     You arrive at your location and start wondering what tool(s) you will be using for the investigation? You can start with a recorder, a basic but reliable way of investigating. What about the K-II Meter? Another instrument in the repertoire of any paranormal investigator. One of your fellow investigators brings out something from the bag. You look at it and notice… it is shiny. You stand there in awe mesmerized of the way the light hits the object and because you recognize it. They are Dowsing rods. Before we jump into how Dowsing Rods have anything to do with the paranormal, let’s quickly review what the original purpose of Dowsing is: “Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, claimed radiations (radiesthesia), gravesites, malign ‘earth vibrations’ and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus. It is also known as divining (especially in water divining), doodlebugging (particularly in the United States, in searching for petroleum) or (when searching for water) water finding, or water witching (in the United States).” Source: Wikipedia What is Water Dowsing? “Water dowsing” refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Although tools and methods vary widely, most dowsers (also called diviners or water witches) probably still use the traditional forked stick, which may come from a variety of trees, including the willow, peach, and witch hazel. Other dowsers may use keys, wire coat hangers, pliers, wire rods, pendulums, various kinds of elaborate boxes and electrical instruments, or even no equipment at all. In the classic method of using a forked stick, one fork is held in each hand with the palms upward. The bottom or butt end of the “Y” is pointed skyward at an angle of about 45 degrees. The dowser then walks back and forth over the area to be tested. When she/he passes over a source of water, the butt end of the stick is supposed to rotate or be attracted downward. Water dowsers practice mainly in rural or suburban communities where residents are uncertain as to how to locate the best and cheapest supply of groundwater. Because the drilling and development of a well often costs more than a thousand dollars, homeowners are understandably reluctant to gamble on a dry hole and turn to the water dowser for advice. Back to the Paranormal….. Dowsing rods are another basic tool often used by curious paranormalists. A little less technical than some of the other equipment; but, sometimes more reactive than some of the newer equipment. Rarely do we utilize the dowsing rods in our own investigations, however, here’s the general idea of how it works: They are two rods in an L shape and have tubes on the short side of the L shape. You hold one in each hand and they can cross, separate, or remain in the same position. The way they are supposed to be held is by the tube perpendicular to the ground, letting the actual rod move freely. After the technique of holding the rod is mastered, you establish what a “yes” response is and what a “no” response is.  After that, you have free range of what questions you can ask the local spirits. What does Science say? As with all things paranormal, there are always other explanations provided. “The motion of such dowsing devices is generally attributed to the ideomotor phenomenon, a psychological response where a subject makes motions unconsciously. Put simply, dowsing rods respond to the user’s accidental or involuntary movements” Science simply chalks it up to “random chance.”  Many paranormal enthusiasts swear by their experiences with dowsing rods. What do you think? Have you had success with dowsing rods? Try your hand (no pun intended) with dowsing rods and book one of our signature private ghost investigations, led by our experienced team members. Check out your unique venue choices HERE Be safe and happy hunting!


A Guide To Spiritual Protection

Featured in this blog, you’ll find the tools needed to help you feel secure all year ’round with practices to assist you in feeling grounded.  These can be used anytime, anywhere and by anyone     What is Spiritual Protection?   Spiritual protection can be many things or a combination of things. It is when you either, call upon any spiritual guide, angel, god, or any positive universal power, use an energetic protective shield, or utilize an object.   Why is Spiritual Protection Necessary?   In this world today there are many physical and non-physical energies that are searching for an energy source to attach to for nourishment, and if we don’t protect ourselves, we could unknowingly pick up entities and energies that get sucked into our auras and drain us, making us feel tired, unmotivated, depressed and exhausted. If the aura is weak or not protected, it’s easier for these energies to lock into us, and possibly cause negative influences in our lives.   Understanding Your Aura   All of the physical objects in the world around us are made up of molecules, and all of the molecules are made up of energy. There are many ways to describe or explain auras, but in general terms, an aura is an energy field that emanates from all molecules. Therefore, auras are present around everything, including people, animals, plants, and even inanimate objects (e.g., crystals, furniture, cars). However, auras around living things are typically easier to perceive and are wider than the auras around inanimate objects. An aura can change in color, width, and strength depending on the person and their current mood or situation. If that person is feeling happy and joyful, the aura might be yellow, bright, and strong, but if they are feeling depressed or sick, their aura could be brown or gray and very weak, dingy, and translucent.   So, for example: When you go through times of great stress, depression, anger, traumatic experience, pain, sickness or physical injury, your aura becomes weak. Drugs and alcohol can also weaken an aura, making it vulnerable to outside energies looking for a source. Another powerful way to protect yourself along with the energy shield is having protective objects around you, in your space, or wearing them. Religious icons, talismans, and crystals have their own energy and can help you feel safe, powerful, and protected. You can even empower your objects by surrounding them with an energy shield like the one’s listed above, or getting them blessed by a religious or spiritual leader. Out of all the objects, crystals have the most vibration or frequency and can hold, or put out energy of their own. Crystals have a level of conciseness that can be perceived by people, animals and spirits by their aura and vibrational field, and each crystal has a different meaning and purpose.     Here are a list of protective crystals:   (All black crystals are grounding and protecting)     Black Tourmaline: Grounding, protection, dispels/transmutes negative energy.   Hematite: Grounding stone, enhances strength/clear thinking/common sense, focused energy.   Tiger’s Eye: Provides protection and gentle grounding, facilitates clear business decisions, aids in understanding core issues that block flow of abundance.   Black Obsidian: A powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone.   Citrine: Cleanses energy and transmutes it into positive energy, blocks negative energy, expansive energy, increases mental clarity/concentration.   Kyanite (blue): Elevator stone, cleanses negative energy, increases psychic abilities, assists with connecting with guides, improves dream recall, facilitates meditation/tranquility.   Smokey Quartz: Efficient crystal for grounding and cleansing. Assists with healing, and stimulates all chakras, improves meditation and brings in serenity.   Selenite: Cleanses/purifies, invites guides to be present to support your efforts, provides spiritual insights, clarifies situations, promotes access to past and future lives. (Note: Form of crystallized Gypsum)   These crystals and stones are all protecting with a few cleansing ones that will help you determine which ones to use in certain situations.     How to Ground Yourself   Staying grounded can be a big factor in keeping your mind and aura positive and strong. The best way to describe being grounded is explaining what it is not. When you are not grounded, you’re often confused, disoriented, unable to focus, you might be constantly dropping things, clumsy, dizzy, daydreaming, forgetful, head in the clouds, etc. Below is a technique you can use at any time to get yourself grounded so you can feel focused and ready.     Take a few deep breaths Get yourself in a relaxed and calm position When you’re ready, imagine a root coming down from your root chakra at the base of your spine, and going down deep into the earth, then see/feel it clasp on to mother earth. Some people can feel the energy of the earth as the roots connect. Then imagine roots coming down from the soles of your feet and going deep into the earth and clasping on. You can take as much time as you like feeling and absorbing this nurturing energy. Take a few more deep breaths to center yourself.   You can do this exercise as many times as you like throughout the day, or any time you don’t feel grounded. This is not the only technique, but it can help you get started into other things to help you feel grounded and centered.   After you’ve done all the necessary steps to spiritually protect yourself, you will start to see a difference in your life. The steps will start to become a routine, and as long as you do your best to stay positive, you can live a happy, healthy, protected life.      


SKINAMARINK Review: Should You Watch It?

Ask anyone if they have even heard of the 2023 film “Skinamarink” and they will likely be confused about what you just said. Specifically asking, “Skin-a-ma-what?”   In the rare case they do, opinion(s) of the film will surely be divided. In my humble opinion, you will either love this movie (your confusion throughout the movie lends to that enjoyment), or you will think of it as an hour and a half of your life that you will never get back. Read on and I will explain the reasons for which side you may fall.     Where did the title “Skinamarink” come from?   You can’t discuss “Skinamarink” until you get this question out of the way.  As a child of the 80’s, I instantly recognized the name from an old children’s show, “The Elephant Show.”  Unless you wish to have an obnoxious ear-worm song stuck in your head for the next week, I recommend refraining from listening to the theme song.  You’ve been warned….   However, it goes a bit deeper than that. In an interview with Jezebel, first time director Kyle Edward Ball gives insight:   Its title derives from the song “Skidamarink” (aka “Skid-dy-mer-rink-adink-aboomp” aka “Skiddy-Mer-Rink-A-Doo”), which Ball was surprised to hear in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, as he had assumed it originated with the Canadian trio Sharon, Lois & Bram, who popularized it on their ‘80s children’s program The Elephant Show. “I researched it and saw it’s actually from the turn of the [20th] century, and the word stuck in my head,” Ball said. “And I thought that would be an excellent working title for the movie, because it’s sentimental—feels personal to me, but personal to others. It evokes childhood. It’s nonsensical.” The working title eventually stuck.   What is the movie about? It’s official synopsis: Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished. Simply put, it gets weird. There are basically 4 characters in this film: The two children, Kevin and his sister Kaylee Their mom and dad.  Kevin and his little sister Kaylee are awake in the middle of the night watching cartoons in the basement.  Toys, windows, doors and even the toilet start to disappear.  Strange voices and sounds from the darkness are heard. Some brief and bizarre interactions with their parents take place upstairs.  You begin to question if there is some sort of paranormal entity in the house.  The children seemingly are unable to escape with the disappearing windows and doors. Yet, they aren’t exactly trying to escape.                                    Could “572 Days” allude to the hidden meaning of the film?   Reasons you may like this movie   “Found-Footage” like vibe, but not really knowing if this is found-footage at all.   Subtle or bizarre paranormal occurrences. “Less” is truly “more.”   Eerie visuals   A truly uncomfortable feeling at all times   You may find it’s unique film style refreshing   You have no idea what’s going on   There are more questions than answers     Reasons you may not like this movie   It’s a real SLOW burn. When I say slow burn, I mean there are tons of 45 second scenes of just looking at a ceiling or hallway.   If you need action and compelling visuals, you will not make it through this movie   Virtually limited to no dialogue   You don’t see anyone’s face (except a partial view of the little boy Kevin).   You have no idea what’s going on   There are more questions than answers And finally……. What does it all mean? The genius behind the film is that it’s open to the viewers interpretation.  There are at least a handful of theories that can be concluded, and you’re bound to go down the rabbit hole of each one. I’m not going to spoil it for you here, however, once you are done watching you are definitely going to be seeking some answers. Check out Scary Studies for a breakdown of theories: Major spoilers here! Rating of Skinamarink  3/5  I can’t decide if I love or hate it because it was a slow burn. Yet, I was also entranced because I couldn’t quite process what the hell I was even watching.   Movies are entertainment. If whatever I’m watching is thought– provoking, not only am I entertained but it has me thinking.   For that alone, it’s a worthy watch. Additionally, who comes up with this stuff? Writer/director Kevin Edward Ball did and I kind of think it’s brilliant.   My 3-star review is due to the subjectiveness of each viewer. I don’t want to tell you it’s a must-see and you can’t get past the first 20 minutes. For those who do get past the first 20 minutes, then Skinamarink just may be for you Where can you watch? Watch Skinamarink with a subscription on Hulu, rent on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple TV, or buy on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, Apple TV.

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